This years launch show is Bridge by Imagineers. Bridge is a show filled with gravity-defying circus acrobatics, dance, comedy, theatre and live music, inspired by local people’s stories, create a thrilling and moving montage of the courage, compassion and humour needed to bridge a divide.
Bridge Workshops
As part of the lead up to our launch show, Imagineer will provide a series of experiences and workshops for you to take part in. These are free, but are ticketed and are available to collect from SIRF Central on Stockton High Street an hour before each start time.
Workshop times:
Wed 28 July & Thur 29 July
12pm - 12.30pm
12.45pm & 1.15pm
3pm - 3.30pm
3.45pm - 4.15pm
Changing Sides Workshop
A playful experiment in bringing people together who wouldn’t normally meet. Listen to a story or take part in a story about how the bridge came to be broken and what
might be needed to fix it. A fun immersive headphones experience.
Bridge Building Workshop
Imagineer has collaborated with civil engineers Arup to produce a 6m wide Bridge Building Kit, inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s design for a self-supporting bridge, which can be built by anyone of any age and experience in less than 30 minutes and hold the weight of 2 adults.
As part of the evenings launch activities there will also be a range of walk around shows on Stockton High Street including:
6.30pm - Curious Cargo
6.30pm & 8pm - The Carpeters
6.30pm & 8pm - Flying Butresses
6.30pm & 8pm - PanGottic
6.30pm & 8pm - Sound Intervention