This energetic show is built around a crazy camper van, flexible legs and a 10-meter-high truss structure.
The show consists of high-level circus skills and several disciplines including two simultaneously swinging trapezes, skipping rope, pair acrobatics and Washington trapeze.
When the doors of the van open, toilet paper will become a huge, hypnotic skirt and vacuum cleaners turn into hair dressers helpers!
This is what Mosh Split is made of!
Show credits:
Concept/authors: SISUS: Iida Sipilä, Inka Pehkonen, Milla Lahtinen, Rosa Tyyskä, Sofia Defour
Performers: Iida Sipilä/Ester Viljanen, Inka Pehkonen, Milla Lahtinen, Rosa Tyyskä/Nelli Kujansivu/Heidi Latva, Sofia Defour
Outside eye: Mirja Jauhiainen
Financial support: Burnt Out Punks, Finnish Cultural Foundation, The Arts Promotion Center Finland, Svenska Kulturfonden, the Finnish Cultural Institute in Germany